Friday, November 30, 2007

Al Mohler on NBC Nightly News

Dr. Mohler was scheduled to be on NBC's Nightly News on November 30th.

Dr. Mohler:

"I am scheduled to appear on tonight's edition of NBC's Nightly News to discuss younger evangelicals and the Emerging Church movement. I discussed these issues with NBC's Tom Brokaw earlier this week, and I was very encouraged by the quality of the discussion and by Mr. Brokaw's interest in the story and knowledge of the background. It will be interesting to see how the segment comes together. The segment is scheduled for tonight's edition of Nightly News. Check television schedules for your area."

Charlie Albright at Renewing Thoughts has weighed in. His post, "Tonights interview with Dr. Mohler, offers a very accurate interpretation of the event. I was disappointed with the piece overall. I was looking forward to hearing more from Dr. Mohler, but he was only given a sound bite. The piece was more a profile of Pastor Grandstaff and his church. It's angle is that the new breed of Christians are not all destined to be Republicans. The message is, "This is not your father's church." It seems like an attempt to pit the young Christians against the old Christians. Homosexuality and the church was also discussed, but the way it was presented seemed disingenuous. It seemed like the clips were manipulated to produce the impression the director wanted to convey. They juxtapose Pastor Grandstaff, Dr. Mohler, and their input which creates the appearance that Pastor Grandstaff and Dr. Mohler are in adversarial roles. A parishioner's comments are used out of context to support their point. The impression is also given that Dr. Mohler is concerned that the youth movement will hurt the mega-churches. The piece is a classic media hatchet job. Michael Moore has taught them well. At first blush I find myself becoming irritated, even angry. I do not know why though. I know the routine. Please do not take my word for it. View it for yourself. I invite your comments.

Dr. Mohler is truly a hero of mine and I admire his willingness to stand up for the Truth.


You can follow the link below to view the piece.

Dr. Mohler on NBC Nightly News.

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